Adventures in Haymarsh


I keep pinching myself to see if this is for real! It truly is wonderful to be here. Grandpa and Grandma Jacobson gave us a great start making this house our home. We still have a ways to go but have a beautiful start in getting our things unpacked and in place. We celebrated Grandpa Gietzen’s 70th birthday last night with wonderful family and friends!

Enjoying his snack at the breakfast nook area.
Such soft carpet!
I can get used to this view while doing dishes! I suppose it will take about 75 years or so for Andrew and I to get our landscaping just like we want it, but it’ll come along and I’m sure we’ll enjoy it!


  1. Vicki Kiroff

    Beautiful home. Many years of enjoyment with your family. Happy Belated Birthday Andrew.

  2. Mary (Gardner) Erickson

    Beautiful house, Monica and Andrew! Jealous of that ND view ♥️♥️♥️

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