Adventures in Haymarsh


I think quite possibly the closest thing to Heaven is a safe and happy delivery of a healthy Baby!

Likely the hardest challenge of having a Baby Daughter!😉🥰. Cuddle & Nap Time!
Grandma couldn’t help herself, she heard the Baby was home and had to come and see!
The boys picked out some pretty girl things for Mary.
Our neighbor, Mary Ann, brought over supper for us and the cute little headband for Mary.
A minute ago everyone was playing a calm quiet card game. Now Daddy is being dogpiled.
A very busy Dad!
Electrical Engineer in training? Today she job shadowed Daddy for a half an hour.



    Congratulations. She is a beautiful little girl.

  2. Monica Jacobson

    Thanks Chuck, Mary, and Vicki! Amazing how she fits right in to our family! I thought we’d struggle knowing what to do with a girl, but my concerns were for naught. We wouldn’t part with this little one for the world. Andrew joked that now he better be ok with women voting! I’m a believer that women provide a good balance for all mankind! Christ’s Peace, Monica

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