Grandpa Russell’s mare had a baby filly on June 1, a good start to June!

Schwan’s man came, sometimes a break and treat are well deserved 🍦
The Lilly of the Valley from Andrew’s mother are coming in!
The hostas from Great Aunt Neva are coming nicely.
Many blossoms on the strawberries.
I drove the children to the dentist this morning for a checkup and stopped by Cashman’s nursery and bought some of their last impatiens, it’s nice to see color again where the tulips were.
My good little helper!
Every baby born at St. Alexius gets a tree from Cashman’s Nursery. It’s a silver leaf maple tree. Daddy picked a spot and now Mary and I are going to plant it.
We decided to call in the professionals.
The start of my herb garden! Alyson, from my book club, shared her chives with me.