Adventures in Haymarsh

Grandpa Tran

Sad news came today.  Grandpa Tran passed away.  My poor mother won’t make it to her own Dad’s funeral.  My husband and children were not able to meet him.  God’s ways are not our ways.  Please pray for his soul to be in heaven.  

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Grandpa Tran was 93 years old. Here is a picture of him in July 2000. I feel blessed to have met him. He will be buried by his wife, my Grandma, in the family burial plot.
My Grandma, she passed away in 1995.
Grandpa and Grandma in their younger years! God willing they have been reunited in heaven today!
Mom and I leaving Vietnam in 2000.
Cousin Tri, Mom, Me, Aunt Lang, and Aunt Hong (she took care of Grandpa, please say extra prayers for her, she dedicated her life taking care of him, she’s a saintly, caring woman).
Mom with some of her sisters in 2000.
My aunts made sure they sent home traditional clothing for us in 2000.
Aunts Nha, Cuc, Uncle Doung, and cousins pictured with me.
Cousin Tri sent these photos.
My Grandpa’s medals from when he was a Captain.
There was a misprint in the newspaper, Grandpa was 93 years old. He was born in 1927.


  1. chuck and mila

    Monica, our Prayers for Grandpa Tran, You and Mother’s loss. May the Lords strength help you in the coming days.

    • Monica Jacobson

      Thank you so much Chuck and Mila.

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