Adventures in Haymarsh

Frosted Windowpanes 🎢

We love chores on beautiful sunny β˜€οΈ days!
πŸ’– Exploring Nature!πŸ’œ
Andrew and I realize that these two are Princesses of The KING, but we’re very happy that they get to call us Daddy & Mommy!
Sisters, Sisters🎢
Stations of the Cross πŸ™
Northern Lights on Thursday night.
Saturday chores & family time.❀️
Feeding Oats.
Beautifully written Fr. Tad!
Quote of the Day
“Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.”
–St. Philip Neri


  1. chuck and mila

    Those are some beautiful photos of the Lords Nature.

    • Monica Jacobson

      Thank you!

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