I am not sure where to begin to say thank you to all of those who have brought comfort and prayers to our family. Andrew and I have not needed to cook a meal in the last 4 days. So much generosity and love we have felt.  The All Night Vigil was so powerful!  The flowers made the funeral beautiful.  Thank you dear friends and loved ones!

Mom’s sister was able to attend the funeral! Thank you Medora for helping make that happen. She has brought so much comfort to all of us, it is so nice that she was able to be here for her sister.
My 3-4 am vigil hour with God, Mom, and Andrew will forever be etched in my mind. So powerful! So holy! So good!
Mom’s Family. Are you able to tell she loved babies and taught her children to also love and respect life? She knew what was most important in this world and in the next.
Mom heading to her final resting place.
Being able to walk with her was so powerful!
Burial. Mother was buried by those who loved her.
Corporal Work of Mercy: Bury the deceased. Everyone was given a chance to help Mom attain her final resting place.
Happy Memories 💛🤍💛