Adventures in Haymarsh

Carefree 4 Year Old

On our way to gather eggs, our 4 year old spotted a snow pile…

The ditches are full of water from melting.
A little snow isn’t going to stop him from biking!
A layer of fresh snow greeted us on our noon chores walk.
Fat Tuesday blueberry pie, I hope everyone has a blessed Lent!✝️. I asked my children what I should give up for Lent and it was discussed for me to have less time on my phone. So, I will be doing a technology fast from my phone, except for necessary reasons, as part of my Lenten Observance. Hoping All have a good and Holy Lent.

1 Comment

  1. Bob

    looks like lots of fun Ambrose.
    You stay away from that water it is very cold. Grandpa knows from experience.

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