She’s a baptized member of Christ’s Family!  Lucy was surrounded by helpful family this entire weekend who helped prepare the house for the Baptism supper, she has musically talented uncles who helped make the Mass extra beautiful and the Meyers sure provided a tasty supper for all to enjoy!  So many folks helped out in so many ways.  

Thank you Anna for the beautiful cake and Grandpa and Grandma Jacobson for delivering it!
Maria and children provided cute centerpieces for the tables and helped serve Mass and the cake to the 70 + guests!
Had a college roommate swing by! It’s so wonderful to see and catch up with friends! I wonder how many of us know how important our influence is on those around us? When we sojourner on this journey together we really do affect each other for eternity.
Andrew started a tradition with our first child of making after Baptism quiche breakfast… It is so delicious!