Adventures in Haymarsh

🀠 Purposeful Work

He’s becoming a capable young man.Β  May all of our children find God and happiness in their work throughout their entire lives.

Just being a proud Aunt.

Cuties… Andrew and his clever grape bunnies.
We went to check on the bulls last night.
Curious heifers.
Our oldest son is helping Daddy run a fence line, and our second son is helping Grandpa. πŸ’š FAMILY FarmsπŸ’š
One of the neatest things ever is watching the cattle go into their next paddock. Andrew and Simon are downright advanced, well past proficient, in putting in those fence lines.


  1. chuck and mila

    The Blue Stems bring back some good memories, I do like Blue Grass. When I was on a ship at sea, had a friend from Arkansas that played the banjo. In the evenings he would pick and we all would grin. They are inspiring…

    • Monica Jacobson

      I will share your kind comment with them.

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