Adventures in Haymarsh

๐Ÿ˜‹From Scratch Haymarsh Homemade Donut Balls

I’m pretty sure that this was my favorite get off the bus after school snack that Mom made, this or homemade pretzels,hard to say which was better.๐Ÿ˜‹โค๏ธ
Next time I’m going to use Vitamin D rich lard to deep fry them in.


  1. chuck and mila

    In my youth, My Grandma made the best donuts fried in lard and cast iron Skillett, on her combination wood kitchen range. The Blessing of such good. memories .
    I still have a donut most mornings, none as good as Hers.

    • Monica Jacobson

      Warm, happy memories indeed!

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