Jacobson Farm

Adventures in Haymarsh

Holy Rest

Nowadays, we think of rest as a sort of “mental health break,” a thing which we grasp at in our exhaustion from the helter-skelter of life but never quite catch. That’s a misrepresentation of this important aspect of the Christian life. Think of the seventh day of Creation, when God rested from His labors. Genesis reckons six days of divine labor, which shows us the enormity of Creation. Then, on the seventh day—God rested.

Not only did God rest—an act totally unnecessary for Him—but He rendered sacred to Man the day on which He rested and gave it to Man as a gift he must keep. The Jewish people called this day the Sabbath and kept it on what is now Saturday.However, because Our Lord rose on a Sunday—completing a new creation—we Christians keep Sunday as our day of rest. This expands into important feasts whose solemnities approach that of a Sunday.restThe Church considers rest so important that, in addition to attending Mass, she actually commands us to rest from work on Sundays and holydays! The key to practicing rest as a virtue—as something we should actively, intentionally cultivate—is to see it as a visit with God, a time to rest in Him. Now, you might ask, “Well, how do I rest?” Good question! Put aside housework, chores, and errands. Mentally close up shifting thoughts about what needs to be done. Do something you enjoy—reading, getting outdoors, engaging in a hobby. Consider turning off your phone and iPad for a while. Enjoy your time of rest with God and share it with Him.  Source:  Catholic Company 


There’s a crisis of masculinity. And it’s even affecting young Catholic men. If men haven’t formed healthy habits in their personal lives, they’re going to struggle to lead.

Joe Jarrell knows the struggles that young men face. Now he’s on a mission to help Catholic men get fit and live authentically. On today’s podcast episode, Joe Jarrell joins us to discuss masculinity and leadership. We unpack the challenges young men face in today’s society, as well as ways to become a confident leader. Listen now to discover why self-confidence and fitness are critical to authentic male leadership. Remember to share this episode with the young men in your life!


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